Hi,I'm using a Wifi/BT module with CYW4343W chip on a custom board with STM32MP157.When booting the system, the driver is loaded correctly and dmesg log shows[ 1.089865] 4000e000.serial: ttySTM1 at MMIO 0x4000e000 (irq = 24, base_baud = 6250000) i...
Hi!After starting custom board there are a lot of similar messages in dmesg (10 per second):[ 200.480616] dwc2 49000000.usb-otg: Overcurrent change detected....[ 203.598775] dwc2 49000000.usb-otg: Overcurrent change detectedUSB is not working. LED on...
Hi,I am trying to use the lan9303 chip in mdio managed mode on a stm32mp157-based board.I configured the Device tree according to https://kernel.googlesource.com/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next/+/refs/heads/akpm-base/Documentation/devicetr...
Hi,We are using the STM32MP157f-ev1 board for our initial development and this is our first time using Linux kernel, we have been following the development package wiki links for building kernel, u-boot and tf-a. We used the STM32CubeIDE's inbuilt cu...
Hi,We are using stm32mp157a processorin Ubootv2018.11-stm32mp1-r2.1 version. In this DDR has 512MB of memory. We want to change DDR size 512MB to 1 GB ,how can we do that? and what are the files we need to modify for changing ddr size in uboot? Ple...
I have been told that the STM32MP1 fit that criteria. ie if the board is deployed to the field, then it is not easy to reverse engineer the SD card, ripping code and configuration details.Is this indeed true?What is the equivalent model to the Pi in ...
is there any way find dts config /sys/ file to check stm32mp1 in linux sdk ?cpu temp freq battery voltage vbat measurement.
We are using stm32mp157a_dk1. we want to know cortex_A7 core0 is in secure or non secure mode? How will come to know processor mode is in secure/non secure? If it is secure how to change it to non secure?