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First I declare the buffer length/* USER CODE BEGIN PD */ #define ADC_BUF_LEN 10000Then I declare the buffer/* USER CODE BEGIN PV */ GPIO_InitTypeDef gpio_init_structure; VIRT_UART_HandleTypeDef huart0; VIRT_UART_HandleTypeDef huart1; uint16_t a...
/* USER CODE BEGIN PD */ #define ADC_BUF_LEN 4096 /* USER CODE END PD */   ...   /* USER CODE BEGIN PV */ uint16_t adc_buf[ADC_BUF_LEN];   ... /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc2, (uint32_t*)adc_buf, ADC_BUF_LEN);I've got the above code ...
I'm building an elf file, SCPing it to the controller and using the to load it on the m4, but no matter what I set the APB2DIV scaler to the number of times per second TIM16 is called doesn't change. The only thing that does seem to ...
I've just watched a few tutorials on ADC, and I've enabled IN1 on ADC1 which seems to map to the connector labeled A3 as per this doc.I then added the following to my main.c within the CM4 project.uint32_t raw = 0; char msg[100]; HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1...
I've been trying for hours to read an analog value from a pin and write it over UART with no success on my STM32MP1. I've assigned PF14 to ADC2_INN2 and set IN2 to "IN2 Differential", then I generate the code and when I try to build I get a bunch of ...
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