Edge AI

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Error in "ram" optimization of STM32CubeAI

The error occurs in both Mac m1 and windows. When I use "stm32ai validate/generate" command, I find that "-O ram" outputs totally strange results. Let's use fdmobilenet_0.25_224_tfs_int8.tflite from stm32ai-modelzoo as an example. "stm32ai validate -...

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ManuZhu by Associate II
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Resolved! Unico feature calculation

Hello,I'm trying to figure out how Unico calculates it feature values during .arff creation.Unfortunately, if I calculate the features as described in AN5804, the feature values differ from the Unico output.I have attached two files, accelerometer sa...

He_Ka by Associate
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stm32cube_ai, airun(),The output data is abnormal

When I use a function 【int ai_run(const void *in_data, void *out_data)】to make predictions,the out_data always output【0】No matter how I change the value of the input data, the value of the output data will not change, it will always be 0.int ai_run(c...

Sunjing by Associate II
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Error while configuring activations with X-CUBE-AI

I am trying to create an AI App with X-CUBE-AI but I encountered the following error:TEMPLATE - Error create_and_init type=0x30 code=0x13I have not touched the code yet so it is really frustrating. If I comment the line "MX_X_CUBE_AI_Init();" the cod...

Resolved! Modifying an existing program in FP-AI-VISION1 for STM32H747i-DISCO

Hi,I'm doing a university project on top down people counting and the existing People Counting program in the FP-AI-VISION1 package seems perfect. I'm new to microcontrollers and AI, generally speaking, but I just wanted to know if it was possible to...

DarrinR1 by Associate II
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STM32Cube.AI runtime won't work

I'm trying to add different trained models to my CubeMX project, but all Keras and ONNX models (even example models from the stm model zoo) produce the same error during the analization process:  Failed to execute script 'pyi_rth_pkgres' due to unhan...

M_Ehe by Associate II
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STM32CubeAI Application template: Change input type

Hello,I'm new to C and STM32 deployment. I am developing a ML model that I would like to run on a STM32F446RE board. I'm using STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0 and X-Cube-AI 8.1.0. I followed the first steps to add the model, Analyze and Validate on desktop and o...

Elo by Associate
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Resolved! FP-AI-VISION1 compile issue

Hi ST professional team Following the documentation  instructions & opteratingHow to use Teachable Machine to create an image classification application on STM32 https://wiki.stmicroelectronics.cn/stm32mcu/wiki/AI:How_to_use_Teachable_Machine_to_crea...

cvd_pony by Associate
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Resolved! Build error when integrating AI model to project

Hello, I am developing an AI classification model based on LSM6DSOX sensor data. Before adding the X-CUBE-AI software pack to Cube IDE, I was firstly developing the data acquisition code with the driver from X-CUBE-MEMS1, which I managed to do. After...