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E801(HwIOError): Invalid firmware - COM2:115200

I am currently having an issue with flashing my neural network (saved as a .tflite model) to my Nucleo-L476RG board. I am able to analyze the model successfully, but when I select, "Validate on Target", I receive the error message below: E200(Validat...

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stm32ai INTERNAL ERROR: list index out of range

I have a DB (Differentiable Binarization) model exported to ONNX, and I quantized it with onnxruntime using the code below:```dr = DetDataReader(calibration_dataset_path, input_model_path) # Fake images as I'm just attempting to measure the memory us...

Mai1 by Associate
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Want to deploy TFLM library on STM32L562E

Hi,Currently, I want to use TFLM library to do the inference rather than Cube.AI. For me, what I am doing is:1. download the latest tflm library2. build it with commands: "make -f tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/Makefile TARGET=cortex_m_generic TARG...

[X-CUBE-AI] Unsupported wrapped layer type: Conv1D

Hello,I am trying to apply a CNN+GRU network based pre-trained model (Keras, .h5) onto the board (STM32G4474RETx) by using X-CUBE-AI and encountered this error: "Unsupported wrapped layer type: Conv1D" when I tried to analyze it.Based on the error me...

INTERNAL ERROR: Shape with 0 value

I encountered an error exporting the onnx model using FastestDet's model and importing it into CubeAI. I have seen others with a similar error to mine before, but I did not find a solution. What changes do I need to make to deploy this network on my ...

ample by Associate
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Implementing custom post processing for different models

Hi,Is it possible to add the custom post-processing function in the middleware of the object detection application https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/stm32ai-modelzoo/tree/main/stm32ai_application_code/object_detection?Thanks! Reply