User Activity

Hi everyone,For the command line interface of stm32ai, it has three commands of analyze, validate, and generate. Therefore, I can use the command to generate network and data C-files. However, for the command line interface of stm32tflm, it can only ...
Hi everyone,In X-CUBE-AI, it provides two different runtime, TFLite Micro and STM32Cube.AI. When I checked the used kernel by TFLite Micro, it seems that it doesn't use the optimized kernel from CMSIS-NN. For the case of STM32Cube.AI, we can't find h...
Hello everyone,​I am trying to deploy ML model to microcontrollers and I have two boards of STM32L4R9I-Discovery​ and STM32H7B3I-Discovery. The experiments and related results are shown below:I use TFLite Micro and STM32Cube.AI runtime to profile my ...
FP-AI-VISION1 has many interesting examples. However, all of them are based on STM32H747I-DISCO. Can anyone provide some instructions and ideas about how to extend the examples in FP-AI-VISION1 to other boards, such as STM32H7B3I or even STM32F7 and ...