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Resolved! Automated unit testing for Yocto builds

Hi! Is there a way to run unit tests automatically on the STM32MP157-DK2 board? I've managed to flash the device using the STM32 Programmer CLI, but after flashing, I need to manually switch the bootmode to boot from the SD-card.It would be great if ...

salmmike by Associate II
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Gigabit Ethernet GMAC on stm32mp157a

hi,st engineer I am required to conduct Ethernet debugging on an stm32mp157a-st-discovery development board running the RT-THREAD operating system. Within the stm32mp157 Processor Reference Manual, I've encountered such option as follow:10/100M Gigab...

gantener_0-1705288576578.png gantener_1-1705290010207.png
gantener by Associate
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STM32MP15: How do we set I2C6 clock source ?

I am using STM32CubeMx to generate device tree:I got these in uboot device tree:&rcc {st,clksrc=<CLK_MPU_PLL1PCLK_AXI_PLL2PCLK_MCU_PLL3PCLK_PLL12_HSECLK_PLL3_HSECLK_PLL4_HSECLK_RTC_LSECLK_MCO1_HSICLK_MCO2_DISABLED>; st,clkdiv = <1 /*MPU*/0 /*AXI*/0 /...

Dat Tran by Senior II
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STM32MP1 M4 programming

Hi,Currently i am looking for an easy way:to change the device tree, to assign peripherals to the M4 Coprocessor for quasi real time applications. i do have a STM32MP157F-DK2 board for testing and also a board with Debian, which i purchased from a di...

STrat.1 by Associate
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