It's possible to download the source of a wiki article ?
Hi :) It's possible to download the source of a wiki article ? Krzysztof
Hi :) It's possible to download the source of a wiki article ? Krzysztof
I tried port optee to customize board, but encouted panic and I could not figure it out. here is log and dree tree setting for the board, thank you,_rebuild_and_reload_the_Linux%C2%AE_kernelstep 4
I want to read a temperature sensor DS18B20 with onewire with the STM32MP135 in Python?Does anyone know how to do this best?I've already tried installing the onwire library from python, but that fails. I don't want to program it in C. I'm new here, s...
I am developing a device with the STM23MP153C and plan to implement secure boot, but I don't fully understand the SSP workflow and have a few questions.1. The STM32CubeProgrammer documentation says that the -ssp command can be executed both with HSM ...
Hi, I want to use my stm32mp157c-dk2 board with capacitive touchscreen display(7inch HDMI LCD (B)), image that I installed for stm32mp1 board is Distribution Package st-example-image-qt (DISTRO=openstlinux-eglfs MACHINE=stm32mp1-disco source layers/m...
Hi I plan to use CAN communication on the development board, but I have encountered some issues.Modified stm32mp135f-dk.dts based on the instructions on the device tree configuration However, the stm32mp13-pinctrl.dtsi file does not d...
I'm trying to work through and understand the OpenAMP_TTY_echo example project provided by the Keil MDK pack STM32MP1xx_DFP v1.3.1.The environment I'm running on is the STM32MP157D-DK1 with a Yocto built Linux image.I can build in Keil MDK and then t...
HI,Voici mon problème, Sur ma carte éléctronique, j'ulise un stm32mp15 ave le pmic de ST. J'utilise la broche LD02 du pmic pour allimenter un récépteur GPS (relié sur l'uart 7) que j'aimerai pouvoir couper/allumer (depuis le user space) pour des ques...
Hi, when I inserted keyboard/mouse to USB host port, nothing happened (log console) and this even cause usb host stop working then.But when I inserted keyboard/mouse to a hub and connect this hub to usb host port, everything working fine.The problem ...