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Resolved! STM32MP1 Tamper Pull-up Wen Running From Vbat

Hi,In Vbat mode (No Vdd), is it possible to pull up the tamper pins and detect tamper in High-Level.We did it in run mode. We enabled the pullups on the tamper pins which are connected to a detect switch. We detect tamper and erase backup registers w...

GokhanK by Associate
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Resolved! STM32MP135f VBat Current Consumption

Hello,We are trying to run Tamper block in VBat (Vsw) mode. When we powered off the device, Vbat pin consumes 3 - 5uA from the battery as specified in device user manual.As we understood from the documentation, the source of Vsw domain (either Vbat o...

GokhanK_0-1737966709048.png GokhanK_1-1737966792558.png GokhanK_2-1737968015962.png
GokhanK by Associate
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Could not load multimedia backend "ffmpeg"

Hello everybody,i use "meta-st-x-linux-qt"  with "meta-qt6" on STM32MP157 I use "QMediaPlayer" to play an audio file it gives me the following error: could not load multimedia backend "ffmpe...

loupi by Associate II
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I am developing a new board and would like to know if the STPMIC25 is recommended over the STPMIC1 as a PMIC for STM32MP157 MPU.Which one should I choose?Thanks. 

Tal by Associate
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STM32MP257F-EV1 load and start CM33 from cmd prompt

I am trying a simple CM33 ELF test. This one just has the STM32CubeMX boilerplate for the CM33 (non secure). I added a toggle on GPIOJ[6]. I stripped out a ton of the inits leaving just the GPIOJ[6] and pin toggle. after the seq below LED3 *does* tog...

Hedley by Associate III
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Stm32mp135-dk1 — Emulator NES ?

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible from a stm32mp135-dk1 card to put a game emulator for example NES games, gameboy,... if so how to do it? Can we start from the image that we can generate on stm32mpu ecosystem (openstlinux under yocto)How...

Kalemm by Associate
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