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STM32MP153/157 periphery

Hey,As a hardware engineer, I worked for a long time with the M7 controller.For a Specific Algorithm, It seems like I should use a stronger core then the M7 480Mhz, when the purpose is to Calculate in of the options is to use the MP153/...

Pkats.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! How to use remoteproc on STM32MP151?

I want to use remoteproc to load and start firmware on Coretex-M4 from Cortex-A7.I refer to the following Wiki page. above Wiki page, I have tried [4.1.1 Remote processor boot thr...

HMasu.1 by Senior
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Resolved! How to specify the address to load Cortex-M4 firmware?

I want to know how to specify the address to load Cortex-M4 firmware when U-Boot or Linux Kernel load the firmware of Cortex-M4 in Retention RAM.​And, how to specify the address to load Cortex-M4 firmware if I load the firmware of Cortex-M4 in Retent...

HMasu.1 by Senior
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Resolved! How to get STM32Cube_FW_MP1_V1.2.0RC2?

want to exchange large data buffers with the coprocessor.I have done following wiki page.​​I want to analyze Cortex-M4 source ...

HMasu.1 by Senior
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Resolved! M4 libc startup code crashing using nosys.specs

Trying to run some test code on the M4 core of a custom stm32mp151a board and can't seem to get far. I have been successful in getting u-boot working on the A core, so the majority of the board has been proven functional.I will attach my make file as...