Resolved! M24M01-DWMN3TP/K - Top Side Marking
Hi, Can anyone confirm is the top side marking for the above is 24MO1WT.RegardsPeter
Hi, Can anyone confirm is the top side marking for the above is 24MO1WT.RegardsPeter
Hello,We need to integrate CiA417 CANOpen protocol for one of the application. Please suggest suitable STM32 micro-controllers and related documentation.Thank you
Hi, I appreciate that ST7 technology is totally obsolete, but as a hobby, I repair electrical appliances. One such item uses ST7, or more specifically, ST72F262 chips. But the power supply circuit isn't well designed and fails, outputting well over ...
Split from berendiFor HALComes with a boatload of examples for most peripherals.I am sorry, but where exactly would I find thes...
I am using M24C04 chip and downloaded the software package EEPRAM2.if(EEPRMA2_M24_Init(EEPRMA2_M24C02_0) == BSP_ERROR_NONE) { chip_ok=1; // DOUBLEFLASH(); } else { chip_ok=0; } if I used this instance it says chip ok=1 but the read ...
Hi all, I selected the L6981C50DR for my buck DC DC power module. A quick overview of my application, I am going to use this power module to convert a typ 12.8V from a smart battery to 5V @ I_out_max= 500mA (Based on experimental values, also this va...
Hi everyone,after months of excruciating pain and panic attacks and many kilos gained by stress eating, I managed to have microros running on my H723ZG nucleo: this however is true only with standard messages. Countless hours have now been wasted on ...
Hi people, I am using M24C04 EEPROM CHIP WHICH OPERATES (1.8 V -5.5 ). I am checking my prototype,I found some issues.the initialization works ,I2C scan works fine but Iam unable to read or write .Can anyone help me to find what is wrong please ...
Hello all, I was implementing software for this kit STEVAL-KITXCB from ST, and I was wondering how to measure power of the inverter. I'm using now two ADCs at sampling rate 2 MSBS to read both current and voltage of the inverter, But I don't know wh...
Hello, can someone please help identify this IC. It is on a PCB that controls the low pass and gain on a subwoofer if that helps. Thank you.