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LittleFS with M95256-DRMN3TP EEPROM Device

Hello, I am using M95256-A125 EEPROM device as NV data storage in our application. SPI communication is used to communicate from host to EEPOM device. EEPROM  Device has page size 64bytes but little-fs expects minimum page size as 104 bytes.  My ques...

Dev001 by Associate
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interfacing bosch bme688 sensor with Stm32

Hello,I’m working on interfacing the Bosch BME688 sensor with my STM32 Nucleo-F446ZE development board using the BSEC library. The sensor is correctly providing temperature, pressure, humidity, and gas resistance data. However, I’m facing an issue wh...

Resolved! diode reference BUZ GP642 or BUZ Z338

 Bonjour à tous, quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à trouver la référence de cette diode ou un équivalent, car je ne trouve pas la fiche technique sur internet, je vous remercie d'avance pour vos réponses 

MAOU by Associate
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IOT solution

A pattern is going to use P-NUCLEO-53L8A1 to monitor when a person get in to the bus , does anybody know how to send the information to the cloud via 4G or CAT and send GPS location, which devices should I use?

Resolved! I2C PROBLEMS

Hi there!First, I need to declare my frustration with CUBE IDE complexity. My code is not for blinking a LED or test one button, but a complex code that involves an 7 inch LCD, EEPROM, TEA6686 PLL, DS3231 RTC, DS18B20 temperature sensor and so on, It...

m-a-c-f by Associate III
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Filters for HDMI

Hello Everyone,We are interfacing HDMI Connectors with a microprocessor such as AM625 or AM62P or RK3568 for use in Industrial HMI Controller environment.We would be using HDMI 2.0 or 2.1 data transfer rates.We plan to use a HDMI companion chip such ...