I did not understand that VCC range of the SRC0CS25D is 1V6-5V5 and the electrical specifications state Vth=(min,type,max)=(3v29,3v40,3v50). There is some uncertinity about the thereshold. If my VIN voltage (given to VCC pin of SRC0CS25D) is under 3....
I'm specifically interested in PSD813F2A-90MI. Is it possible to get the last released statements?
It is for a veglia boreti automotive instrument cluster from a fiat punto 2001 - 1999Hi there! I wanted to politely ask for your help, if you can answer a simple question: i have a 950406 k128 eeprom chip but cant find one to buy online i only can fi...
I have downloaded the Verilog model, and testbench, but I can't make any sense out of the source.
Hi thereI've recently started working with st10f275 microcontroller. I am totally confused. I can't event find its datasheet! which compiler, ide, programmer should I use?Could anyone guide me? Thanks in advance.
Hello can i ask a question? I want to read hex file via stm32 but without using any interface. Thank you very much if you can help.