Edge AI

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Forum Posts

How to modify the generated code from AI Developer Cloud?

I uploaded my ONNX model, and using the AI developer cloud, I downloaded the result as STM32CubeIDE Project. I successfully deployed it on the NUCLEO-F401RE board and I can see the analysis of the model on the terminal using Putty. Now, as the next s...

luck by Associate
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Using C code from Cube.AI into Arduino IDE

Hello,I am working on an AI model that I want to deploy on a board with a STM32U5 Series MCU (it's not an ST board). I'm using Cube.AI to convert my .h5 model into C code, but deploying the model on my board has been quite complicated, as I'm not rea...

Error when Validating on Target

I am trying to deploy an AI model on an MCU using Cube AI TFLite Micro runtime. The model is successfully flashed but I get the following error when the validation starts:[AI:network] stm32ai: error: argument --mode: invalid choice: 'stm32_io_only' (...

Flare by Associate II
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IOC file for Image Classification of Model Zoo

Does anyone knows how to open  the .ioc file of Image classification example from Model Zoo? Where is the location of this ioc file as I couldn't found it and is there anyway for me to obtain the ioc file? Thanks

chew by Associate III
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identifier "AI_AI_DATA_ACTIVATION_1_SIZE" is undefined

..\..\AI\X-CUBE-AI\App\app_x-cube-ai.c(93):error: #20: identifier "AI_AI_DATA_ACTIVATION_1_SIZE" is undefinedstatic uint8_t poo10[AI_AI_DATA_ACTIVATION_1_SIZE];...\...\AI\X-CUBE-AI\App\app_x-cube-ai.c(95): error: #28: expression must have a constant ...

Sunjing by Associate II
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Some questions about X-Cube-Ai

HiRegarding X-Cube-Ai, it seems to be closed source, I wonder if its underlying implementation relies on the api provided in CMSIS-NN? Or did ST implement it all by itself ?

PYL4869 by Associate
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