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Hello,I am using an STM32U585CIU6 with LSM6DSOX to sample acceleration values, in order to use it in a project on NanoEdge. I am facing an issue while trying to sample higher frequencies. My accelerometer is set to operate at 833Hz. By printing the n...
Hello,I want to use a OV7670 camera module with my STM32U585CIU6, which has no support for DCMI. I've been trying to do an I2C address scan but I can't get the camera address. I'm using a custom board with 3 other modules that are properly identified...
Hello,I want to use an OV7670 camera with my STM32U585CIU6 MCU. I've done all connections but failed to identify the camera module with I2C. I have then removed the wiring and just kept the following connections: 3.3V supply, GND, SCL and SDA (pull-u...
HelloI am starting a project with a STM32U585CIU6 and an OV7670 camera module. I want to use the DCMI interface to get the data, and I'm using the Introduction to DCMI to STM32 MCUs document as a reference.STM32U585 datasheet mentions the support to ...
Hello,I am working on a Human Activity Recognition model with a STMU585CIU6 using Cube AI. In summary, my model takes accelerometer data from my lsm6dsox sensor, and use a frame of 2s of sampling (for ODR 104Hz, it takes 208 samples) as input for the...
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