2019-08-18 6:21 PM
Hello ST Community, I purchased the Nucleus 64 Eval board for the STM32F303RE part and downloaded all the necessary tools. I moved from CubeIDE to SW4STM32 as there are more examples available. I'm using UM1766 which outlines STM32CubeF3 flow very well. I am able to compile and load the example designs just fine. I'm now at the stage of writing my code into this Pre-Initialized project. What I can't figure out in the INITIALIZED project is where are the physical PINS defined. I am totally aware of all the files that the MX/SW4STM32 create via UM1786. Without digging super deep into the great work that the HAL flow has done, I still want to look through the PROJECT files and see where the physical pins are defined.
In my MAIN.c, I see PC.13 as my INTERRUPT pin in COMMENTS, this is the only way I know PC.13 is the PIN. The MAIN.c refers to this PIN as "EXTI line 15_10" which is connected to PC.13. I would also like to know what suffix "15_10" means.
Which file should I look into to see these physical PIN assignments? There has to be some file that shows this LABEL connected to the physical PIN.
Thanks for the great help.
2019-08-18 6:50 PM
Pins are often configured in the MSP file
>> I would also like to know what suffix "15_10" means.
Means 10 thru 15 inclusive. PC13 would fall within that range
2019-08-19 12:28 AM
Well, not sure which one you're actually looking for: