2016-03-03 5:28 AM
I have the STM32F303RE Nucleo evaluation board, and I've used CubeMX to configure & generate the HAL drivers.
I've configured a DAC on one of the timers, and everything compiles/runs fine, except when I enabled ''USE_FULL_ASSERT'' then I get the following compile error. ../Src/main.c(329): error: &sharp20: identifier ''HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1'' is undefined __HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_ENABLE(HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1_TRIG); This comes down to the following code generated in stm32fxx_hal.h: &sharpdefine IS_HAL_REMAPTRIGGER(RMP) ((((RMP) & HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1) == HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1) || \ (((RMP) & HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_TIM1_ITR3) == HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_TIM1_ITR3) || \ (((RMP) & HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1_TRIG3) == HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1_TRIG3) || \ (((RMP) & HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1_TRIG5) == HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1_TRIG5)) &sharpelse &sharpdefine IS_HAL_REMAPTRIGGER(RMP) ((((RMP) & HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1) == HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1) || \ (((RMP) & HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_TIM1_ITR3) == HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_TIM1_ITR3)) HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1 is not never defined, and I'm wondering if it's meant to be HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1_TRIG which is defined: &sharpdefine HAL_REMAPTRIGGER_DAC1_TRIG ((uint32_t)0x00000080) /*!< DAC trigger remap (when TSEL = 001 on STM32F303xB/C and STM32F358xx devices) 0: No remap (DAC trigger is TIM8_TRGO) 1: Remap (DAC trigger is TIM3_TRGO) */ Has anyone seen this issue? #cubemx #debug #assert #printf2016-03-04 8:47 AM
Hello kahlon.yon,
I tested with the STM32CubeMX 4.13.0 version and I'm not able to reproduce this error!Which version of STM32CubeMX is used ? Could you please check if you use the latest version STM32CubeMX 4.13.0. -ForumSTM32-2016-03-06 9:40 PM
We are using STM32CubeMX 4.12.0. Let me download the latest version and try again