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OpenSTLinux SDK Manager can't find updated SDK

Hi I have used the "bitbake -c populate_sdk st-image-weston" command to generate an updated SDK with OpenCV and ZerMQ packages. The SDK is generated successfully.The issue is when I want to use this SDK in STM32CubeIDE, since I can't seem to find the...

MarcusRJ_0-1687161319965.png MarcusRJ_1-1687161359883.png
MarcusRJ by Associate
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STM32MP1 boot fail in TF-A

Hi all,We design the custom board use ST32MP157 base on the design of STM32MP157-DK2 kit. We use the SD card for booting. The image and device tree is custom base on example of STM32MP157-DK2 kit. The board has a issue when booting via SD card. This ...

Resolved! stm32mp135f trusted vs optee efficiency

Hello, For some time I testing STM32MP135f with 1GHz CPU clocking. I was able to generate optee OpenStLinux but I see a lack of CPU efficiency. I'm curious what is the difference in efficiency between trust and optee. If I use the trusted option the ...

MWoło.2 by Senior III
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Resolved! setting up SPI LCD ILI9341 with STM32MP157-DK1

Hi all,I own an STM32MP157-DK1. I am trying to setup the TFT display ILI9341 on this discovery kit. I am familiar with Bitbake and Yocto. Are there any minimal images available that I can bake and dump on my discovery kit (SD card) to test my display...

Enabling UART7 disables USART3 (STM32MP157F-DK2)

Hi!I've been running an embedded linux (built with Buildroot) on a STM32MP157F-DK2. I need to use both USART3 and UART7 ports to interact with other devices.I've used it flawlessly with only USART3 enabled in linux's device tree for months. Recently,...

OpenAmp_TTY_echo not creating rpmsg0|1

Hello,Searched around but couldn't find a similar issue.Please point me to one if one exist. I have a custom board with the stm32mp157c mounted. Board works fine, trying to communication between the m4 and a7 processor using the rpmsg devices. I have...

mantwih by Associate
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Resolved! stm32mp135 pwm dts

Hi,can some share dts configuration which allows you to bring up the PWM, timer etc?I do something like  pwm_regulator { compatible = "pwm-regulator"; pwms = <&{/soc/timer@40002000/pwm} 3 500000 0>; regulator-min-microvolt = <1016000>; regula...

MWoło.2 by Senior III
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