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tpy to use Pandas on STM32mp157F-DK2.very simple example - Python.df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 4), index=dates, columns=list("ABCD"))print(df) I get an error File "pandas/_libs/internals.pyx", line 717, in pandas._libs.internals.BlockManager....
I have a python script. Do I want to launch it when the platform starts or by touching the screen?how to create a custom desktop shortcut on stm32mp157-dk2?
I had an error while building the image. I didn’t try to figure out why and why it was necessary to turn off the network. I just removed the entire function. After that everything build together. openembedded-...
First acquaintance with STM32mp157FDK2. A couple of weeks ago I bought two sets to try. In a week I figured out how to put together my image with Yocto. And today what was supposed to happen happened. I connected the KIT to the power supply with PD3....