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Remoteproc fails while waiting for resources

When trying to attach to M4 upon Linux boot (autoboot=1), it fails to bind resources:Remoteproc driver attempts to probe m4 resources, but all are waiting for pinctrl@50002000 which does not appear before remoteproc probe has timed out. I can see in ...

vsaakian by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32MP1 Tamper Pull-up Wen Running From Vbat

Hi,In Vbat mode (No Vdd), is it possible to pull up the tamper pins and detect tamper in High-Level.We did it in run mode. We enabled the pullups on the tamper pins which are connected to a detect switch. We detect tamper and erase backup registers w...

GokhanK by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32MP135f VBat Current Consumption

Hello,We are trying to run Tamper block in VBat (Vsw) mode. When we powered off the device, Vbat pin consumes 3 - 5uA from the battery as specified in device user manual.As we understood from the documentation, the source of Vsw domain (either Vbat o...

GokhanK_0-1737966709048.png GokhanK_1-1737966792558.png GokhanK_2-1737968015962.png
GokhanK by Associate II
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Could not load multimedia backend "ffmpeg"

Hello everybody,i use "meta-st-x-linux-qt"  with "meta-qt6" on STM32MP157 I use "QMediaPlayer" to play an audio file it gives me the following error: could not load multimedia backend "ffmpe...

loupi by Associate II
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I am developing a new board and would like to know if the STPMIC25 is recommended over the STPMIC1 as a PMIC for STM32MP157 MPU.Which one should I choose?Thanks. 

Tal by Associate
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STM32MP257F-EV1 load and start CM33 from cmd prompt

I am trying a simple CM33 ELF test. This one just has the STM32CubeMX boilerplate for the CM33 (non secure). I added a toggle on GPIOJ[6]. I stripped out a ton of the inits leaving just the GPIOJ[6] and pin toggle. after the seq below LED3 *does* tog...

Hedley by Associate III
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