User Activity

If I have grasped USB-C correctly, the BootROM must communicate with the STUSB1600 chip for role negotiation, otherwise it couldn't switch to device mode and thus it wouldn't be possible to use serial boot mode over USB-C. On the DK2, the STUSB1600 i...
Hi,is it possible to swap the DSI lanes so that lane 0 becomes lane 1 and the other way around? This would simplify routing on our PCB. I've found there are configuration bits in the DSI_WPCR0 register for custom lane configuration (SWDL0 and SWDL1),...
Hi!We are planning a product and have considered the STM32MP157 as a basis. Our test platform is the STM32MP157F-DK2 running a locally built Yocto Project image (openstlinux-eglfs distro, st-example-image-qt image) based on meta-st-stm32mp, meta-st-o...