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Hello,I'm trying to generate code from a CubeMX project for STM32MP257f-ev1: my concern is that I've turn on PLLs from CubeMx Clock Configuration tab but code for PLLs clock configuration is not generated in SystemClock_Config function. In main.c I g...
Hi,I'm trying to import an ioc file for STM32MP257f-ev1. The original project was build on CubeMx 6.13 for MAC-OS using FW_MP2_V1.0.0 and I'm using CubeMx 6.13 under linux. When I open the .ioc file, It asked me if I want to migrate to FW_MP2_V1.1.0 ...
Hi,I'm using an stm32mp257f-ev1 for the first time. I configured the board to boot from emmc: I flashed it using starter package image for fastboot with opteemin image. I noticed that at openSTlinux boot-time remoteproc starts M33 core with USBPD_DRP...
Hello,I'm trying to debug a firmware in production mode using STM32cudeIDE, but when debugger starts it seems g_pfnVectors isn't properly created. When I stops debugger and view the dissambled code I found that it always points on the first line:0000...
Hi,I'm using OpenST-linux version 4.9 on a STM32MP157c-ev1 and I wrote a simple script to run my firmware for Core M4. I would like to know how I can make the script run automatically after system boot.Here's my script if could of any help for answer...
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