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Resolved! Does stm32mp157-dk1 support traditional SPL boot uboot?

HI.Recently I purchased a stm32mp157-dk1. I am going to learn to use uboot. I know that Uboot startup is divided into several parts. The second part is SPL, and then SPL will boot uboot, and uboot will continue to boot the Linux kernel.I have read th...

Tuzki by Associate
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Resolved! Why is GMII designed for STM32MP dev kit?

Hi!I notice something!In the devkit of STM32MP15xxxx, I found that ETH_TX_EN is used for GMII, but when I check the CubeMX, I found that RGMII is used instead. This is the settings for RGMII. In the devkit schematics, it is ETH1_TX_EN, not ETH1_TX_CT...

Skärmbild 2024-05-11 131350.png Skärmbild 2024-05-11 130641.png Skärmbild 2024-05-11 130902.png Skärmbild 2024-05-11 131231.png
DMårt by Lead
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debuging problem

I'm attempting to debug an STM32MP157 using STM Cube IDE on Windows, but I've encountered an issue with a parameter, and I'm unsure of its origin. Could you provide assistance with this matter?   

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Manual for flashing the eMMC with OpenSTLinux?

Hi!I have made a simple computer with STM32MP151AAC3 processor.I have modify so I can boot either from UART4 or eMMC. My question is:When I want to flash OpenSTLinux onto the eMMC, can that be done via ST-Link and STM32CubeIDE? Just like regular STM3...

DMårt by Lead
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stm32mp157F DK2 yocto error while building the image

I had an error while building the image. I didn’t try to figure out why and why it was necessary to turn off the network. I just removed the entire function. After that everything build together. openembedded-...

karu2003 by Associate II
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