Qt uses 'eglfs' to display. After configuring this 'hwcursor', use Qt to display the card on HDMI. The touch screen will also get stuck. When the QT_QPA_GENERIC_PLUGINS environment variable is deleted and the mouse is plugged in, the mouse cannot be ...
Hello,I have a custom board based on STM32MP151-C with an eMMC on the following pins:SDMMC2_CK PE3 (AF09)SDMMC2_D0 PE6 (AF07)SDMMC2_CMD PG6 (AF10)I read that the ROM expects the the SDMMC2_D0 pin on PB14 so I need to change it by using values from...
The hardware is a STM32MP157C SoC which provides a Vivante GCnano as GPU. Everything is compiled with our specific Yocto layer along with OpenSTLinux 2.0 release. So Qt release is 5.14.2 and GSTreamer release is 1.16. The camera output is VGA in UYVY...
I would syncrhonize A7 and M4 on STM32MP151A using IPCC interrupt, how can I do it? Moreover, using FreeRTOS, I need to start some task before of MX_OPENAMP_Init, but I noticed if I move this function after the Kernel starting, it doesn't work. I do...
Hello ST Support team,I have MP23DB01HP digital MEMS MIC sensor which has PDM output. I was gone through "AN5027" application note. I want to connect this digital MIC with DK2 to find dB data from it.suggest me steps to connect and run mic on DK2 boa...
Hi: I encountered a strange problem when I tried to operate the gpioz pin with the gpioset command in user space and found that the level never changed. Can you give some suggestions to solve it.
I have built a device tree file using the details in wiki in CubeMX. I build with my custom machine using Yocto. When I run the built TF-A binary I get the following output on UART4:NOTICE: CPU: STM32MP157CAD Rev.B NOTICE: Model: STMicroelectronics...
HelloI am working on an IoT project and would like to know which package is suitable for me? I am responsible for customizing the Linux tree, installing packages, set Ethernet, Wi-Fi and the right security protocols from a Hardware point of view.I u...
I have the latest version of ST-Link Utility (ver. 4.6.0) on Windows 10 and the latest firmware (V2.J37.S7), both of which I downloaded yesterday. My co-worker has ST-Link Utility ver. 3.7.0 on Windows 7 and firmware V2.J24.S7 and he has no trouble...