2021-03-16 8:19 PM
I have found many tutorials for how to import the example projects into stmcubeide but have not seen much information on how to set up a new M4 project?
I have been able to import the OpenAMP_TTY_echo example into stm32cubeide and debug fine but I am having issues setting up a new project. I want to setup a new project because I want a .ioc project file in order to easily setup timers and interrupts and the OpenAMP_TTY_echo example is missing some of the HAL driver libraries. I was able to create a new project selecting the board as STM32MP157c-DK2 but the build button is grayed out for the project?
I am using the distribution package, specifically the st-example-image-qt image.
2021-03-18 11:40 PM
Hi @BSunw.1 ,
Did you well select "file->new->stm32 project" ?
Also which version of STM32CubeIDE are you using? It seems to not be the newest one, could you try again with the version 1.6?
When looking at CA7 and CM4 folders it seems it is not recognized as STM32CubeIDE project, so make sure you have well selected "STM32Cube" when creating the project.