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Forum Posts

STM32MP135 UBOOT Splash Screen

Hi All,I am working on enabling and testing the LCD (RGB666) and backlight (enable and pwm) functionality on my STM32MP1 platform in U-Boot. I have configured the necessary U-Boot options for LCD and video support, including backlight control and dis...

Booting from eMMC STM32MP135

Hello,We had to switch out an SD card for eMMC and we kept with SDMMC1. I am aware of having to burn the fuses to get eMMC to default to SDMMC1 which I did. I was able to get it to flash successfully, and now when you switch it to 010 it will boot fr...

Moving UART4 from A7 to M4 in STM32MP157C

Hi there, I am working on a product where we use the STM32MP157C for our purposes At the moment we have the UART4 attached to A7. I wanted to move it to M4 so that I can start seeing the serial logs coming out of M4 rather than the A7 which is runnin...

VivekB by Associate III
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Booting OS in PCIE SSD adapter

Hi,We are wondering that do we support to boot uboot from nand flash then boot into OS from external PCIE SSD driver.Is that workable to support this case by changing codes on stm32mp257 platform? Thanks.

Unable to read the internal ADC in STM32MP157A

     We are using STM32MP!57A processor in our custom board.      In this we are unable to read the internal ADC values in our cards.     Actually, we initialize the internal ADC pins in cortex-M4 core with support of STM32CUBEMX and debug in CubeIDE...