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Forum Posts

Resolved! Enabling all clocks TF-A, what could go wrong?

Hello we are using STM32mp153 for multiple products, and I'm considering buiding a generic TF-A bootloader with one device tree with all the clocks enabled for all the peripherals. I would like to do this in order to make it more generic across our p...

JOhn1 by Associate III
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TF-A v2.6-r1 kernel hang issue?

I have a custom build on the stm32mp157f dk2.stm TF-A v2.6-r1 or vanilla TF-A v2.7, using sp_min.stm U-boot 2020.10-r2 or vanilla Barebox-2022.06.I've also tried U-boot 2021.10-r1, but that one crashes the kernel even earlier.Kernel: vanilla 5.18/van...

Resolved! question about ecosystem4

Hi,I follow "" can port the ecosystem 3.0 on the kit "stm32mp157c-odyssey" successfully, but fail to port the ecosystem4.0.The error log is :" 14:13:55 : Start Embe...

zqizh.1 by Associate II
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Stm32mp157a kernal booting issue

Hi,We are using stm32mp157a processor in my custom board.I have download stm32mp157a-dk1 discovery kit code.The difference between discovery board and my custom board is Debug Serial port Configuration.In Discovery Board The debug uart pins are PG11-...

Resolved! ENABLE_PARTITIONS_IMAGE not enabled

When I change the download directory for my yocto project in my local.conf file, this note pops up, what is this and should I do anything about it.NOTE: /home/gencay/STM32MPU_workspace/openstlinux-5.15-yocto-kirkstone-mp1-v22.06.15/layers/meta-st/met...

Gencay by Associate III
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