ST25 NFC/RFID tags and readers

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Forum Posts

Resolved! ST25DV_Discovery_ANT_C1 High Current Draw

I have the discovery boards for the ST25DV and noticed a much higher current draw than I expected. In power down mode, (LPD = 1), the board was still drawing ~165uA.Looking at the schematics for the board, there is a 20k pullup resistor on the GPO li...

JPetr by Associate
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Resolved! cr95hf won't pole after idel command

Hi i am using an cr95hf. After using an idel command and waking up afterwards any command I send after the idle wont work. I don't even get a polling response. Unfortunately I can't find anything in the cr95hf datasheet telling me if i need to reset ...

MUnge by Associate II
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Resolved! NFC04A1 - NFCTAG_Init function

Hello, I'm currently looking into the ST NFC Eval boards, as I'm planning a small project involving NFC and dataloggers. For my needs the NFC04A1 should be perfect, so I am looking at the drivers and example codes given in X-CUBE_NFC4. In the nfc04a...