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Hi there. I require assistance to ensure the proper operation of GT9271.After properly RESETting the GT9271, and issuing the 0XBA I2C address, the device keeps pulling the INT pin without any touch on the LCD display (1024x600). I really feel a lack ...
 Hi, I'm trying to read an LCD 8 bits information, so I need to quickly change PA0 ~ PA7 to input, then read the IDR register, and return them to output after reading the 8 bit bus, but I need help. Thank you all. 
Hi there!First, I need to declare my frustration with CUBE IDE complexity. My code is not for blinking a LED or test one button, but a complex code that involves an 7 inch LCD, EEPROM, TEA6686 PLL, DS3231 RTC, DS18B20 temperature sensor and so on, It...