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Forum Posts

What the mean of "list index out of range"and 'params set for InstanceNormalization layer'?This is my first time to use cubemx,so I'm confused.Could anyone help me?Thanks!

When I use cubemx.ai to analyze a onnx model ,I get a error tells list index out of range,what should I do? When I analyze another onnx model ,it occur another error 'params set for InstanceNormalization layer'Could anyone help me?Thanks:confounded_f...

MYChen by Associate II
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X-CUBE-AI: Skip custom layer

X-CUBE-Ai offers ways to implement custom layers via a custom layer json file. The documentation is a little vague on what operations can be used in the "op" field. Concretely I would like to simply just skip some of the custom layers in my model, si...

MFise.1 by Associate
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Resolved! How to config MCL "filter configuration" and features?

Our custmer want to free design gesture or other motion detect. who can share some documents about filter configuration and features setting. When to use what filter, and when to use what features? 

YSONG.1 by ST Employee
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INTERNAL ERROR: Your model ir_version is higher than the checker's

Hi everyone, I developed and trained a simple neural network in MatLab. I exported it as an ONNX file and then I analysed it with stm32ai application.This is the message I get:"INTERNAL ERROR: Your model ir_version is higher than the checker's."I che...

A.volt1 by Associate
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Resolved! LSM6DSOX MLC features limited to 31 in Unico-GUI

Hello,I'm having some problems using Unico-GUI to configure the MLC of an LSM6DSOX. I'm trying to develop an application using four filters (actually, the same filter applied on the XYZ and V signals of the Accelerometer and Gyroscope), but the Unico...

I would like to be setting .ioc from FP_AI_vision file

Hi. I currently try to do FP-AI_Vision Person Detection . so I would like to be setting STM32H747i- DISCO board using .ioc . but I can't find .ioc file from person detection directory file. so How can I set .ioc file plz

JKIM.9 by Associate
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