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Resolved! How to install your Root Certificate in StellarStudio JRE

When installing some StellarStudio  plugins http://* , you can meet the issue : PKIX path building failed  It is typical IT Issue :face_screaming_in_fear:  in each corporate company. “"Path bui...

StellarStudio SR5E1 support is open to the mass market !

Dear all,   We are thrilled to announce that as of today, March 1st, 2024, SR5E1 device support in StellarStudio is available to the mass market !   This means that any user can effortlessly download the official StellarStudio installation packag...


Resolved! Unable to ''flash'' code to target

Posted on July 27, 2017 at 14:00Hi,I am using a SPC560C50L3 controller on a SPC560BADPT100S MINIMODULE board which sits on the XPC56XX EVB Motherboard. Power supply checked, jtag driver checked. The JTAG used is from PLS USB/JTAG Adapter for SPC5XXX...

CAN transmit Interrupt Not Working

Posted on July 21, 2017 at 08:40Hi I am working on SPC560B50x controller and trying to send CAN messages from the controller to the busmaster tool.I am unable to hit CAN transmit ISR breakpoint, but messages transmitted through my controller is gett...

Resolved! SPC5 Connect software

Posted on August 03, 2017 at 15:47Hello, we bought your 'SPC5 Connect' interface and we would like to evaluate your free software SPC5-FLASHER, SPC5-CONMANAGER and SPC5-CONEXPLORER. We followed all procedure for obtaining the licences, but from mail...

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CAN Errors

Posted on July 26, 2017 at 16:02I've inherited some CAN driver code and I'm looking at the error handling. Currently the only error that is enabled is BO (Bus Off). When this error is seen the CAN peripheral is reinitialized and all error flags in I...

Resolved! Flash library SSD

Posted on August 03, 2017 at 13:39Hellowhere can I download the latest SPC5 Flash library?

Resolved! Comparison of software development tools for SPC5 series

Posted on July 24, 2017 at 16:53I am interested to compare the software development tools available for the SPC5 series controllers. How can I manage to do so?? There is a list but it does not weigh the strengths/weaknesses against each other. (I am...

Resolved! SPC570s PIT

Posted on August 03, 2017 at 12:26Hi,i'm using Hightec Studio/Compiler an i try to set the PIT for a SPC570s µC. InterruptInstall(IRQ_ID_PIT0_CH0, callback, 1)This function set the following:INTC_PSR226 = 0x8001 and set the Pointer to the funcion '...

Not able to transmit or receive messages on CAN

Posted on July 31, 2017 at 22:00 Hi all, I am trying to initialize the FlexCAN1 module on the SPC570S40E1 micro. The CAN module looks like it is correctly initialized, but when I try totransmitusing one of the MB's, the CAN Txline shows no a...

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Secondary bootloader

Posted on March 03, 2017 at 23:31HelloI try make a secondary bootloader. I must send my code program from stm32f103 board to SPC560P board via CAN, and program should downlaod by BAM to flash.I used transceivers. I know i should make user.ld, but ca...