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Forum Posts

Issues in OPTEE (bootloader)

I am trying to boot my STM32MP153C over cubeProgrammer to load data in EMMC0.Unfortantly the programm is failing in OPTEE Part (Second file to download). Here is the UART log:NOTICE: CPU: STM32MP153CAA Rev.ZNOTICE: Model: STMicroelectronics STM32MP15...

WSief.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Modifying the U-boot

Hi ~​I'm using STM32MP157C MPU with my custom board and trying to modify u-boot for my board.​This wiki article has been describe about "Modifyi...

Resolved! GPIO SPI 5 miswired on STM32MP15 Discovery Kit MB1272

I was trying to use the GPIO expension connector on the STM32MP15 Discovery Kit MB1272 and the clock wasn't working on SPI5. When I checked the CubeMX configuration against the schematic for the discovery kit, I leaned that the clock signal is going ...

ALeba.1 by Associate II
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Crash when boot from nor.

When I try to boot from NOR flash, it always crash.The console has the log like this. INFO:  PMIC version = 0x21INFO:  Reset reason (0x15):INFO:   Power-on Reset (rst_por)INFO:  FCONF: Reading TB_FW firmware configuration file from: 0x2ffe2000INFO:  ...

uouox by Associate II
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Using RS485 CAN Hat

We are trying to get CAN communication working on a STM32MP157D-DK1 using an RS485 CAN hat that is used for Rasberry PI. Is this possible and if so can you direct me to instructions? We are using Yocto to build the Linux distro. We are currently u...

CBris.1 by Associate
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How to read the EMMC of STM32MP157

We have built a SOM based on STM32MP157 which has eMMC. There were few configuration files which we installed manually. Now, I want a copy of this final working image so that i can duplicate the same image in other emmc too. Please let me know if are...

NP by Associate II
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