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Hi, I am working on an Azure RTOS project, which requires jumbo frames capability. My current devkit is a MYD-YF13X to utilize 1 gigabit ethernet PHYs. My goal is to receive 9000-byte packets, but I am not able to receive any bigger than ~2000 bytes....
Hello, my aim is to achieve a reliable receiving UDP speed with stm32mp13 while sending a payload of 150 mbit/s.I did performance tests of 1 gigabit Ethernet using a MYD-YF13X development board and iperf3. Here are some of my results:19% packet drop ...
Hello, is there a possibility to apply TraceX to a ThreadX project using MP135? I could follow some tutorials and include the necessary TraceX functions, but I can't generate a .trx file. The option is simply not available in the CubeIDE. Would you h...
Hello, I would like to integrate ethernet2 in my bare-metal project. I am aware that not only eth2 pins have to be properly configured, but also a 10th pin of MCP IO expander. However, the eth2 seems to be disabled after all. I am doing the same conf...
Hello, I am currently using bare-metal MP13 solution in CubeIDE. I want to integrate uart with DMA. After configuring DMA settings for uart4, a following fragment of DMA init code has been generated:NVIC is not available for Cortex-A, but still its f...