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First time trying to get OPTEE working on custom board. The boot stops when OPTEE panics NOTICE: CPU: STM32MP157AAC Rev.Z NOTICE: Model: STMicroelectronics custom STM32CubeMX board - openstlinux-6.1-yocto-mickledore-mp1-v23.06.21 NOTICE: BL2: v2.8...
I have a running system (based on bootlin buildroot) with kernel 5.10 and I wanted to update it to use the latest 6.1 and now I have a problem that the BL2 panics:  NOTICE: CPU: STM32MP157AAC Rev.Z NOTICE: Model: STMicroelectronics custom STM32Cube...
I already wrote a about this to pinned release thread, but as there is no public tracker I don't know if that was the correct place, so I decided to a make a new thread.On macOS, it is not possible to type '@', because ALT+L is hard coded for 'Login'...
I'm using the UART (USART5) with RS485 and I have enabled the read to be on also when sending. I need to read back the data that was sent to see if it is correct. The problem is, that I do not receive what was sent. But if I send the same data from o...
I have the problem on my STM32H753, that the IDLE-bit is set when transmitting. On the manual it says: The IDLE bit is not set again until the RXFNE bit has been set (i.e. a new idle line occurs).The RXFNE is never set (actually on CubeIDE this is sh...
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