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STM32MP157 Slave ADC can not get correct value.

Dear all,I have a question about ADC.When i used adc in dual regular simultaneous mode, master adc can get correct value, but slave adc can not.Does anyone have some idea?These are my ADC 1 and 2 configuration.In my understanding adcData_DMA = ADC_CD...

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Bring up the STM32MP135x - Share Training Course (I)

Take MYIR’s MYD-YF13X and the STM32MP135F-DK as examples to share training course on how to use STM32CubeMX combined with the developer package to implement the booting of the minimal system. Development...

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LZhan.22 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32MP15 ECO 5.0.0 OPTEE Panic set_clock_then_voltage

On STM32MP1 discrete power.  512MB DDR , TF-A & OPTEE configure in SYSRAME/TC:0 0 Panic at core/arch/arm/plat-stm32mp1/cpu_opp.c:106 <set_clock_then_voltage>Log attached.This message seems to unique for stm32mp1 in OP-TEE  code. no other platform sou...

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We have developed a custom board using STM32MP157AD3 chipset and STPMIC. We did develop a dts using CubeMX and did all the patches as mentioned in Lab documentation. But we came accross 2 errors.

When we use the PMIC values from DK2 example.1 . ERROR:  regul ldo3: max value 750 is invalidWARNING: register_pmic:600 failed to register ldo3PANIC at PC : 0x2fff05cb2 Next we tried setting the ldo3 max, min values to 3V and 1.8V and it was working ...

NP by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32MP135F-DK How to set LDO2

Hi, I have an STM32MP135F-DK board, and I want to set LDO2 and get an output voltage of 3.3V. I have read a document ( Integration of STM32MP13x MPU product lines and STPMIC1D / STPMIC1A on a wall adapter supply) which states that LDO2 must be set af...

gunesalp by Associate
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STM32MP151CAA3T length matching

My question is what the recommended values are for STM32MP151CAA3T (see image for Altium xsignals creation for the routing).I am currently doing routing and I could not find all this information in the datasheet. 

Drive DSI data lanes to LP-11

Hello. I need to integrate a TI SN65DSI83 bridge with a DK2 board and one of the requirements of that bridge is to drive the data lanes to LP-11 state. What is the procedure to make that happen? I am assuming I need to make changes to dw-mipi-dsi / d...

EMaes.1 by Associate II
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