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Forum Posts

STM32 MPUs NEW Ecosystem Release V1.2

Dear STM32 MPU Community,We are please to announce that New MP1 Ecosystem V1.2.0 ! is available since the 25th of February 2020. This is version of each component of this release and features to be highlighted ( most expected in this community ) :Ope...

How to load stm32_ rpmsg_ SDB driver

Hello, I'm doing an example of heterogeneous communication, refer to Wiki: I have encountered difficulties.When I generate the KO file and load it....

Wjian.1 by Associate II
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GPU support while using X server in STM32MP157

I am trying to use the GPU with an application where using X display is a prerequisite. I have successfully used GPU previously with Qt5 and simple kms applications like kmscube, but cannot get it working with X. Mesa is always used as the renderer w...

Mitra by Associate
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Resolved! save linux image

Hi, I want to make a backup of the SD-card with the linux image. I tried it with Win32 Disk Imager (like on the raspberryPi: Windows dete...

Lukas1 by Associate III
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