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Forum Posts

FDCAN not working properly

I am trying to enable FDCAN on STM32MP157C. I modified Linux Kernel (STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v2.0.0) and U-Boot, following the steps explained in the Developer Package guide. I get these messages, which are suggesting I setup everything correctly.root@st...

JYune by Associate II
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Resolved! Issue rebooting from eMMC with STM32MP157C Silicon Version B

Hi,I have a custom Board with a STM32MP157C marked 'B' with an attatched SD card and an eMMC (one from ISSI).First of all I am aware that this revision is having the errata 'eMMC boot timeout too short'. I also read through this post: https://communi...

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Fee by Senior
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STM32MP157A-DK1 update kernel

I Installed the Development on my host machine and builded a Kernel with this tutorial: afther the reboot my scren keeps beeing ...

SAman.1 by Associate III
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Enable SPI5 on STM32MP157C-DK2 board

Hi everyone,I want to make a LoRa gateway using the STM32MP157C-DK2 and ICC880A-SPI boards. For that, I have to implement SPI communication between the two boards. I already did the hardware connections, but I am not able to enable SPI on the STM32MP...

LewisN by Associate
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Resolved! Faster OpenAMP communication to M4 core

STM32MP157-DK2 with Buildroot image.I'm running a Qt app on the A7 core and using QSerial to talk to the M4 core using OpenAMP to talk through ttyRPMSG0. Right now it takes ~10ms to send/receive from Qt to M4. Is there anything I can do to decrease...

Not able to send and receive data on I2C ports

Hi,I'm trying to send and receive data over an I2C port.Working with STM32MP15 ecosystem release v2.0.0 (concrete STM32MP157F-EV1 and openstlinux 5.4 dunfell) and i2c-tools. I want to access I2C2 on MB1262C IO EXPANSION connector CN21.Following this ...

DmnSd by Associate III
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