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Is there any way to disable and enable all interrupts in a assembly way, because i need to manually switch on and OFF particular GPIO before UBOOT SPL start uboot-source/board/st/stm32mp1/board.cvoid board_debug_uart_init(void){// disable interrupts ...
i am using gst-play-1.0 for testing different bitrate audio play, found that 44.1 kbps, 22.050 kbps were not working but 48kbps mp3 works neatly without noisePlease let me know if i miss anything, i am using I2S1 to derive the base MCLK and feed to c...
STPMIC1APQR is a PMIC, how to recover from lock state, as the STM32MP1 RTSn pin is not going to HIGH , and this situation on power variable supply decrease down to 1 v and then back to 5 v1. no log is observed on console during not power up variable ...
is there any way find dts config /sys/ file to check stm32mp1  in linux sdk ?cpu temp freq battery voltage vbat measurement.
Hi AllI have disabled the second core to validate one of old product, which runs on single core,and same application cpu usage i have seen is 90-95 %and same application runs and does the same spi transaction, i am seeing the cpu usage is 57%all cons...