Hi everyone,I'm interested how can someone backup rootfs, vendorfs etc and later use that to flash via the STM32CubeProgrammer? Is using the dd good way to do it?Best regards,Nenad
We are using the STM32MP15 ecosystem 2.1.0 and buildroot build flow for a custom board. The custom board uses the FMC peripheral to connect to three FPGAs using an SRAM/PSRAM interface. We have successfully implemented this interface on the CA7 sid...
Could you please explain me why ST support is so slowly... I'm starting with STM32MP1xx MPUs hoping, that ST support will be fast and specific. But currently answer for even simple (and stupid) questions need to be wait for unpredictable time...We ne...
Helllo i configurated my Device tree so i a can use my USART3 as a serdev. But when i run "cat /proc/tty/driver/stm32-usart". i can see my serial port but my RTS pin is missing. I configurated my device tree like this:&usart3 { pinctrl-names = "defau...
A quick grep through the latest and greatest release shows this:$ grep -r STM32MP157C-DK2 . | grep machine ./meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp/conf/machine/stm32mp1-disco.conf:#@DESCRIPTION: [EXAMPLE] STM32MP157C-DK2 board ONLY with Trusted boot and SDcard sup...
I recently attended and intro course to the STM32MP1, which was very informative. Subsequently, in considering possible applications, I have questioned wither the STM32 MPUs are suitable for use in functional safety systems as a processor for the exe...
Hi, ST :)In addition to https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000pUh4gSAC/tfa-and-uboot-custom-compile-failsCould you plese explain me what is the reason for such error:dfu_fill_entity_mtd: Memory layout (/0x10/1*122Me) not supported!while downl...
C $> sudo apt-get updatePC $> sudo apt-get install corkscrewPC $> git config --replace-all --global core.gitproxy "$HOME/bin/git-proxy.sh"PC $> git config --add --global core.gitproxy "none for <MyPrivateNetworkDomain>" (optional, for example .st.com...
Hey there, I am trying to increase the RPMSG buffer size to 1024 on the STM32MP1 for the last couple of days. The A7 side seems to be working fine but the M4 side seems to struggle with the vdev declaration on the device tree. On the A7 side: virtio_...