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How to install your Root Certificate in StellarStudio JRE

When installing some StellarStudio  plugins http://* , you can meet the issue : PKIX path building failed  It is typical IT Issue  in each corporate company. “"Path building" refers to the pro...

StellarStudio SR5E1 support is open to the mass market !

Dear all,   We are thrilled to announce that as of today, March 1st, 2024, SR5E1 device support in StellarStudio is available to the mass market !   This means that any user can effortlessly download the official StellarStudio installation packag...


Resolved! Need MCU with 2 CAN Transceiver and 2 Ethernet MAC

Hi,I need a MCU with 2 CAN transceiver and 2 EMAC interface for my design. I found that SPC58 series have the same. But the complete part number is not available from the site.Please help me to find out the correct part number for design with 2 CAN t...

Mom.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! spc560b-cant jump from my bootloader to app code

hi I make my bootloader and app bootloader I have assembly code for branch and in my app code i have a led.I set app.ld for bootloader to 0.00000000 and set for app code to 0x00010000 address. It cant be jumpplease help measm volatile ("e_li...

Resolved! FreeRTOS Using ADC

Hello,I'm a beginner in FreRTOSS but I've already made basics codes and tutorials. Actually, I'm trying to do two different tasks. The first one is an ADC acquisition and the second one is a printf of the ADC value.But my issue is that the ADC functi...

Bastien1 by Associate III
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Resolved! UNABLE to install PLS UDE

i AM TRYING TO INSTALL PLS UDE uising the recommended link: all i can see is the following message.ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /projects/spc5tools/updates on this server....

0693W000004Ia8cQAC.png 0693W000004Ia8hQAC.png
VLELE.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Debug first project in SPC5 Studio

HelloI am new to SPC5 Studio, please guide me how I can debug my first project.I am working with SPC5 Studio ver 6.0.0. and have SPC56D_DISCOVERY Eval board. Thanks

Parth1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Link between LIN and TERA TERM

Hello, I'm trying to develop on SPC5 Studio with the eval board SPC574S-DISP. I want to make a link between LIN and the software tera term to debug my code. I configured pins PA5 and PA6 for LIN according to the schematics. But it didn't work. Can yo...

Bastien1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Sending float over serial communication

Hello, I'm actually trying to send data from the software Serial Port Monitoring to my dev board SPC574S-DISP.But it doesn't work. When i send a number like "3", it works.But when i try to send "3,3" or "12", the board takes only the first number "3"...

Bastien1 by Associate III
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Resolved! SPC58: SPI2 with two chip selects

Hi.I want to use DPI2 located at pins 66 (miso), 68 (mosi) and 112 (clock) to control two different SPI slave devices. Pin 57 (CS0) and pin 64 (CS2) are wired to the respective chip selects.Then I used the wizards to generate application code for SPI...

SMay by Associate II
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