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Hallo Everyone,If I setup two TOM channels with the TOM module clocked at 100MHz: (10nSec)GTM clocked at 100MHzCMD.CFGU.EN_CLK0 = trueCMD.CFGU.CLK_DIV0 = 1TOM0 module enabledTOM0_4 source clock = CMU_FXCLK0TOM0_4 period = 10000TOM0_4 duty = 5000TOM0_...
if you configure one CDTM.DTM right after one TOM and use it to generate TOM_OUT and TOM_OUT_N, what is the smallest dtz interval you have been able to achieve?if I set the DTM to be clocked with SYS_CLK (100MHz), still the dtz gap can't go anything ...
Hi all, I got back on a project on the SPC574K2 I paused a few months ago and decided to start over from a green-field environment.I then downloaded and installed SPC5Studio 6.0.0 Doyle which came along with version of the LLD s...
Hi everyone,I am struggling to understand why the provided example seem not to behave as expected:upon startup, when the gap is detected, the generated Reference_position (TDC) turns out to be localized 1 tooth AFTER the calculated one (angular ticks...
Hi all,I seem not to be able to achieve periodic DMA transfers using DMAMux periodic triggering functionality.I read on SPC574Kx reference manual that (§ receives PIT_0 Trigger 0-4DMAMUX2 receives PIT_0 Trigger 5and that (Table44):PIT_...