ST25 NFC/RFID tags and readers

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Forum Posts

ST25R3911B VDD Range

This seems like an "easy" topic, yet I'm struggling to get a clear understanding.Section 3.2 of the datasheet (Operating Conditions) defines a single, wide range for VDD (2.4V to 5.5V).  But Section 1.3.2 (IO Configuration Register 2) defines two non...

KevinB by Visitor
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AAT and Capacitive Wakeup

I've been reading through the Wake-Up Mode and Automatic Antenna Tuning application notes, and while I understand that AAT and Wake-Up with inductive sensing require more involved software wake-up logic, it doesn't seem to me that capacitive sensing ...

LltWc by Senior
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STSW-ST25DV009 linux sdk

After reading the data through the ios NFC Tap app, the Linux platform can't read or write data to the ST25DV64KC through the iic.Below is a log of the app after it was read and operated with linuxBelow is the log that is not read with the app and op...

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fans by Visitor
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Resolved! Interrupt problem with ST25DV64KC

I'm trying to change from ST25DV16K board to ST25DV64KC and use it.The board setup part seems to be fine, but there's a problem with the interrupt setup part.When writing data to the EEPROM of the tag board with RF from NFC08A1, the code that worked ...

GOODTHINK by Associate III
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ST25R3916 read blocks

Hi,About rfalST25xVPollerFastReadMultipleBlocks and rfalNfcvPollerReadMultipleBlocks。I use st25r3916 to read NFCV tag.The farthest reading distance of my reader can reach 70mm.When I use the command RFALNFCVPoller Read Multipleblocks, I can successfu...

hanzigg by Associate II
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