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CubeMX doesn't allow Fadc > 18 MHz for H743 Rev. V

Wde G.1
Associate II

If from the "Clock Configuration" tab Fadc > 36Mhz then the Clock prescaler for the ADC is automatically set to /2 where the /1 is diabled. For > 72MHz it is /4 where /1 and /2 are disabled. Rev. 2 has an additional /2 divider that has been taken into account in the HAL code but not in CubeMX I assume.

Code snippet from stm32h7xx_hal_adc.c:


 * @brief Configure boost mode of selected ADC.

 * @note  Prerequisite condition to use this function: ADC conversions must be

 *     stopped.

 * @param hadc ADC handle

 * @retval None.


void ADC_ConfigureBoostMode(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc)

  else /* STM32H7 silicon Rev.V */
    freq /= 2U; /* divider by 2 for Rev.V */
    if (freq <= 6250000UL)
      MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->CR, ADC_CR_BOOST, 0UL);
    else if(freq <= 12500000UL)
      MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->CR, ADC_CR_BOOST, ADC_CR_BOOST_0);
    else if(freq <= 25000000UL)
      MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->CR, ADC_CR_BOOST, ADC_CR_BOOST_1);
    else /* if(freq > 25000000UL) */
      MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->CR, ADC_CR_BOOST, ADC_CR_BOOST_1 | ADC_CR_BOOST_0);
#endif /* ADC_VER_V5_3 */

Khouloud ZEMMELI
ST Employee

Hi @Wde G.1​ 

Can you please check with the latest CubeMX version (6.1.0) ? the problem related to "Clock Prescaler divided by 1 always grayed" was fixed.

Thanks, Khouloud