2018-05-19 1:48 AM
I can not get the input compare mode working as expected. I need to use TIM2 CH1 as trigger to measure the frequency of external pulses. I have used the methode on a STM32F091 where it works fine.
RCC and GPIO are initialized. And I will get a CC1IF interrupt as soon as I connect the external signal source BUT CCR1 is always 0! It seems to me the counter is not counting. My code to set up the counter:
#define VEL_CLK 10000000 //System is running at 200 MHz PSC is set to 4
TIM2->CCMR1 = TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0 ; // ch 1 for input capture
TIM2->PSC = (APB1_CLK / (VEL_CLK)) - 1; // Timer clock
TIM2->CR1 = TIM_CR1_CEN; // Start timer TIM2->DIER = TIM_DIER_CC1IE; NVIC_SetPriority(TIM2_IRQn,0); NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIM2_IRQn);The TIM2 registers after intialization (see attached file).
Any suggestions very appreciated!
Best regards
2018-05-19 3:04 AM
If ARR=0, the timer won't count.
If this is the reset value, you should raise complaint at ST, as the RM says otherwise.
2018-05-19 4:26 AM
Many thanks Jan! You have improved my day a lot! I have struggled with the timer issue since yesterday.
ARR is 0 after reset
ARR is 0 after MX_TIM2_Init
After setting ARR to 0xFFFFFFFF it works as expected
How do I raise a complaint at ST? I have never met so many issues with a ST processor before as with the STM32H743.
Other findings so far apart from TIM2 issue:
Peripherals using PLL2P will not work as DIVP2EN seems to be stuck at 0
Peripherals using PLL3R will not work as DIVR3EN seems to be stuck at 0
Best regards and many thanks
2018-05-19 8:25 AM
I can not get the input compare mode working as expected.'
what is 'input compare'? there is 'input capture' and 'output compare' but what exactly is 'input compare'?
2018-05-19 1:07 PM
what exactly is 'input compare'?
Yep, this selective blindness.
How do I raise a complaint at ST?
Here, starting a new thread, clearly stating the case, best accompanied a minimal but complete compilable example exhibiting the problem. Or through the web support form. Or through your FAE.
2018-05-23 4:59 AM
,As suggested by Jan, please create a new thread where you describe the PLLx related issue.
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2018-05-28 7:38 AM
,As soon as TIM2 clock is enabled, the ARR value is set to its correct reset value (0xFFFF FFFF). But with the call of 'TIM_Base_SetConfig', it will be set to the defined 'Period' in your code.
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2018-05-28 11:30 AM
How do you know Dirk calls TIM_Base_SetConfig()? I see no such indication in his initial post, and in his second post he asserted that
ARR is 0 after reset
2018-05-29 1:07 AM
Hi Amel,
you are right. I checked ARR att the start of main() and it reads 0x00000000, I checked it again after calling MX_TIM2_Init and it is still 0x00000000.
After your reply I have single stepped through the HAL initialization code and indeed after HAl_TIM_Base_MspInit() ARR reads 0xFFFFFFFF and is reset in in the next function TIM_Base_SetConfig() again.
For upcounter mode it does however dont make sense why ARR = 0 would stop the counter from operation.
2018-05-29 1:15 AM
Corollary: never trust anybody who hints he/she uses Cube. :)
Hats off, Amel. The hint was faint and came only in the second post.
For upcounter mode it does however dont make sense why ARR = 0 would stop the counter from operation.
It does: the upcounter counts from 0 to ARR (inclusive), so here the counter counts from 0 to 0 (so does not change at all).