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SDCard FR_NOT_READY after migrating from FW_F4 V1.27.0 to V1.27.1

DDi S.1
Associate III

As I wrote in the subject, Upgrading STM32CubeMX from version 6.6.1 to 6.7.0 The SDCARD stops working.

During mounting :







returns "FR_NOT_READY"

The micro is an STM32F4, I use SDIO in SD 4 bits Wide bus mode and it has always worked fine.




@Ghofrane GSOURI After the comments you received, are you still under the impression that this is not a bug? As has been explained, SD card must be initialized in 1 bit mode before switching to 4 bits. This is per the SD specification. Could we get it fixed?

10 months later.

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@Ghofrane GSOURI

@Amel NASRI 

I think that this is not a bug fix, it was correct and new version introduces a bug

It should initialize with 1B like it was before and it switches to 4B later (the code is generated if choosing 4B mode):


/* Configure SD Bus width (4 bits mode selected) */ if (sd_state == MSD_OK) { /* Enable wide operation */ if (HAL_SD_ConfigWideBusOperation(&hsd, SDIO_BUS_WIDE_4B) != HAL_OK) { sd_state = MSD_ERROR; } }


It was correct in 6.6.1 version and the bug is introduced in newer versions! Please fix this!
In worst case I guess you could introduce "initialization bus width mode" option in CubeMX?


Thank you!

static void MX_SDIO_SD_Init(void) { ... /* USER CODE BEGIN SDIO_Init 2 */ hsd.Init.BusWide = SDIO_BUS_WIDE_1B; //add this line, so that the automatic code generetation with STM32CubeIDE does not override the configuration /* USER CODE END SDIO_Init 2 */ }


I confirm this also solves the SDIO issue with STM32F446RE, CubeMX 6.10.0 and STM32F4 package 1.28.0.