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Hello everyone,Could you provide an example of using cached containers?In the TouchGfx documentation, the subject is described very superficially, while I think it is very important to deepen it it would be sufficient to have the code of this example...
Hello everyone.I have a custom board based on micro STM32F469NIH6I am using TouchGfx successfully and have all my images stored in a memory mapped 64MB QUADSPI.I would like to give the user the possibility to change some images (for example a logo) a...
As I wrote in the subject, Upgrading STM32CubeMX from version 6.6.1 to 6.7.0 The SDCARD stops working.During mounting :  fr=f_mount(&FatFs,"/",1);  if(fr==FR_OK)  {    ...   .... }returns "FR_NOT_READY"The micro is an STM32F4, I use SDIO in SD 4 bits...
I am using a custom gauge, but the movement of the needle is always not very there any way to improve this?
For a job commissioned by a client, do I need to add a widget on a page to Run-time.If I don't find a solution, I'm forced to abandon TouchGFX (which I find very versatile), and migrate to another platformIs there an example?Is there any documentatio...
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