2021-09-28 3:00 AM
Using CubeMX6.2 I am functioning on Hal Library and STM32F427VI.I apply DMA and place SDMMC controller‘s clock frequency to 24MHz. In case of facing SD error during programming. By following below steps I get back on SD card:
1 - MX_FATFS_Init;
2 - HAL_SD_InitCard;
3 - result = f_mount(&FATFS, " ", 1);
These functions work successfully and normally outcome turns to FR_OK but some time result turns to FR_DISK_ERROR. Before mounting SD card if we face issues the consequences returns FR_DISK_ERROR or FR_NOT_READY and will never sort out by following above functions.
If before mounting Sd card I unplug it and after that mount and find FR_not_ready then connect SD and remount it. This issue also occurs in case of switching MicroSD pins in ESP8266 and STM32. At last I unplug – connect MicroSD or to solve the issue by the function of reset micro.
To complete my project it’s very important to remount SD card. I hope any one will help me.