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I need the consumed current value of Microcontroller part STM32F303ZET6. I am confused after checking datasheet. Please help.

Associate III

It's a complex multi-variable ​problem depending on what you're doing, the clock speeds, and a lot about what the pins are connected too and driving.

S​ome of the CubeMX tools can estimate what specific peripheral combinations contribute.

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Chief II

right, see in "Tools" in Cube...F303 -> at 48M + 72MHz


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Associate III

I can see 40.71mA consumed at 72MHz.

Can I consider 40.71mA as the maximum current consumed by the IC?

those are estimates as @Community member​ said,

Depends of which peripherals youre using, i always design for 150mA minimum. for my stm32F072 and stm32F105

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk
Associate III

I am using 1 SPI, 2 UART & 1 I2C.

SCLK - 307KHz.

How much current to consider for STM32F303ZET6?

Associate III

If i consider IDD, then its 15.3mA( 8MHZ, Flash exe & All peripherals enabled)

If i consider IVDD, then its 160mA.

Which one to consider IVDD or IDD value?

@AScha.3​ @Javier Muñoz​ 

Please help here.

Associate III
Associate III

you just said your clock was 72Mhz, so the estimates are 77,4mA

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk