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STM32H573VITxQ RMII interface


I'm planning to build a low-power Ethernet project using the STM32H573VI microcontroller. I need to use an SMPS to lower power consumption because of that reason i choose that MCU. During createation of project, I noticed that STM32CubeMX offers RMII interface configuration, but I've found that RMII_RXD0 and RMII_RXD1 pins are missing in that configuration. Upon checking the datasheet, it appears these pins are not available. Is it normal for CubeMX to display RMII configuration options even if they are not supported, or am I overlooking something?

Additionally, when I tried configuring MII-half duplex, I also encountered missing pins. Could anyone confirm if it's possible to use any Ethernet PHY interface with the STM32H573VI-TxQ variant, especially considering these pin limitations?

ST Employee


According to the datasheet,  the part number STM32H573VITxQ is an 100 pin SMPS package:


According to Table 15, That package doeasn have the two pins RMII_RXD0 and RMII_RXD1 .SofLit_1-1719829793333.png

And according to table 2, on 100/144 SMPS packages the Ethernet is not available but some ETH AFs are exposed on some pins due to the constraints of pinouts compatibility in between the product as SMPS packages are consuming more pins then LDO packages.


Hope I answered your question.

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