2021-01-08 9:35 AM
Dear ST Hello,
What is the advantage and disadvantage of the Keil and STM ide.
Did you recommend one of them. I want to change the ide and I am in 2 minds,
Thank you in advance,
2022-11-04 4:57 PM
Or you can stop torturing yourself and take a fast and small native code (not Java) IDE without Eclipse's workspaces and other broken idiocies, which uses the same ARM GNU toolchain and is free. Read about the EmBitz in the posts above...
P.S. And no - Eclipse's workspace is not "a group of related projects". Those, who believe it is, please go and look at what a "solution" is in Visual Studio.
2022-11-04 6:18 PM
I think Big difference is Price. one is free another one cost much. using that money i can buy more hardware and tools.
2022-11-05 8:57 AM
It is so easy to write one-liners.
Most important is to have a tool with which you can be productive.
And productive in the long term. Unless you are paid by the hour and your employer is dumb, in which case you can spend your time learning anything because all time at work = bread on the table at home.
In most real world situations one chooses a tool which will work long-term. That also means not licensed or limited in any way, so it cannot stop working, ever, and is capable of being set up in a VM which can then be archived so the project can be revisited say 10 years later.
ST Cube is far from perfect (various threads on annoying issues with e.g. debugger comms getting lost) but it ticks all the boxes. I've been using it for 2-3 years, hours every day. Not sure how long it would take to set up a project though from scratch but probably no worse than any other "makefile generator + editor" which is what these tools basically are. See here for some fun
2022-11-05 2:08 PM
Eclipse doesn't tick the "productive" box. It is almost the exact opposite of being productive. In normal IDE one can just place projects and files in any folder, add (or not) any files and just compile the project. In Eclipse one has to fight with it's broken workspace concept, exclude files from projects/compilation (because it stupidly includes everything in the project), somehow stop the Eclipse from compiling all the projects in that ridiculous workspace etc. And when you have fought that fight, once in a while it just corrupts that workspace and you have to do half of the work again. But wait, that's not all. Updating IDE also gives the same PITA. One cannot just update it and continue working on a project. One has to export/import projects, reconfigure the workspace again and whatnot. How can this insanity be considered as being productive?
2022-11-05 10:56 PM
I can not agree more.
It's not productive at all but very unproductive. All those crazy settings hide in places you can't remember after two months when you finally found them. And always the fighting with workspaces. It was originally for Java development, if I'm correct, and perhaps that stupid project directory approach instead of good old project/workspace files make sense in that environment. But everybody saying how good workspace directories are with c/c++ are fooling themselves, and deep inside they know it.