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Hi, I made a tool to flash/debug e.g. STmicro's (EBlink) that uses direct writing instead of external flash loaders. I noticed that the current speed step of the STlinkV3 goes from 8MHz directly to 24MHz with no jtag/swd speed settings in between. ...
Hi,I have a ethernet project running on a H743 and H753. The H743 is working fine. The H753 is not working.If the ETH_MAC clock is enabled I can see that the SWR bit in the DMAMR is set (software reset) and as soon as the RMII is selected as interfac...
Posted on November 05, 2013 at 07:00Hi, Em::Blocks is now supporting the F429 mcu's. The discovery demo (with the game etc.) is in the forum.And another GDB innovation, Em::Blocks supports memory access on running target for STlink. You can view cha...