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CubeIDE doesn't start a workspace

Associate III


While trying to open a project inside a workspace the CubeIDE stopped loading:

Captura de pantalla de 2024-03-25 22-16-16.png

As you can see from the log, nothing happen after a while, CPU isn't used at all, and my OS gives me the option to exit the application. You can also see a drop in RAM using. The IDE just stucks at that point. Any ideas?



ST Employee

Hello @XR.1 

First let me thank you for posting.

  • Which Linux distribution you are using in your machine?
  • Could you share the .log and .IDE.log file from the .metadata folder found under the workspace folder.



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Hi, after hundreds attempts I was able to start a session and I have kept it open since then; I'm affraid not being able to start it again and lose my precious time.

Of course I'll to close it in the near future, but not now, so in this very moment I can't show you the logs for when the IDE fails. Nontheless I can tell you that I'm using Linux Mint 20.3:


$ inxi
CPU: Dual Core AMD A6-7400K Radeon R5 6 Compute Cores 2C+4G (-MCP-)
speed/min/max: 1475/1400/3500 MHz Kernel: 5.4.0-171-generic x86_64
Up: 6d 17h 20m Mem: 4411.7/6893.2 MiB (64.0%) Storage: 1.13 TiB (12.7% used)
Procs: 237 Shell: bash 5.0.17 inxi: 3.0.38

CubeIDE version is: 1.12.1


Newer CubeIDE versions are worst!


ASAP I got in the same problem I'll provide you the logs.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Mint 20.3 is not a supported Linux version. Supported versions can be found in the Installation guide section 1.2.

Hi! Linux Mint uses the same kernel and packages base as Ubuntu. I'm pretty busy right now, but ASAP I'll install Ubuntu so it's clear that the problem is in your side (as I've pointed out here:

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

@XR.1 Linux unfortunately is much more than the kernel and some packages. All the Java, GUI stuff, libraries... etc... etc.. can be different in various distros. (This is why Windows has a huge productivity advantage, btw. Freedom is great, but it has its price).